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:: Consumer Health Products
     Aquamint mouthwash
     Claro shampoo 
:: Prescription Product
     Doparoxen Tablets
     Mono-Derm Gel 
     Mono-Derm Topical Solution 
     Cefotaxime 1 g Vial
     Pimozide Tablets
     Quinolo-ROX Tablets
     Raceca-ROX Sachets
Roxxen staff is very accessible and can be contacted in a variety of ways. Please do not hesitate to contact us! We welcome your comments and suggestions.

You can reach us by e-mail using the following addresses: To visit or reach us by postal mail, use the following address Headquarter:
  • Address: 12 Dokki St., 2nd Floor, Giza - Egypt.
  • Tel.:(00202)33380473
  • Mob.:(002)0121627356
  • Fax:(00202)33382074








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